Sunday Gentle Yoga - 5/3/2020 - 4pm


Sunday Gentle Yoga - 5/3/2020 - 4pm

from $5.00

Sunday, May 3rd

4-5:15 pm

Come join Vandana as we explore a rejuvenating yoga practise that will relax the muscles and ease the mind inwards towards peace and restoration.

Some people think yoga consists of never ending planks and downward dogs that make you sweat and feel like your heart is racing. Some consider gentle yoga only suitable for seniors and people with injuries. However Gentle yoga and its benefits are needed by everyone. Holding a pose and breathing is great for our immune system and encourages acceptance. We learn to practice mindfulness and the yogic lesson of ‘santosha’ or contentment. Vandana will discuss santosha as one of the yamas in the eight limbs of yoga. Class will also start with a collective mantra chanting practice aimed at uniting with the breath and entering the now.

Either ways this class on sunday is meant for everyone, or all levels.

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