
Duration 7 Mins 30 Secs.


‘Evaporations’ speaks of the formlessness and transience of everything. New Delhi is shot as a space where existence is geared towards making money.  Greed and dysfunction. Man’s constant struggle with himself to overcome desires and exalt to contentment, peace and harmony within is displayed.


  • International House, New York City
  • Visual Arts Gallery , Imaging Materialty Show, New Delhi India
  • South Asian Women's Creative Collective Annual Art Show - New York City

Game of education

In the spirit of education there are no winners and losers. Everyone is learning and growing at their own pace.  The precious formative years of a child should not be about competition and struggle but spent in the pursuit of education which instills in us cooperation, goodwill, leadership and the potential to grow and achieve.

Winner - Commonwealth Vision Award 2004


Life within life

A two channel installation based on a pregnant mother entering a sensory deprivation float tank which is similar to the womb and notions around birth, consciousness and life within life.